Peter Claffey

A seasoned museum veteran with over 20 years working in and leading Science & Technology museums and children's museums, Peter started his time working in museums at the age of 13 when he volunteered at the Science Center of Connecticut.  Peter worked his way up through the ranks working in every department in the museum with the ultimate career goal of leading a museum some day.  After six years leading an Exhibits and Facilities team at The Children's Museum, Peter got the opportunity to lead his first organization in Southeastern Connecticut.  Over the last ten years, Peter has led both science centers and childrens museums in Texas and Louisiana.  He brings a great passion for providing STEM career awareness to under-served students and is passionate about the Science Mill's work in this area.  Peter has a BS in Business Management and Organizational Theory from Central Connecticut State University.  He is ecology-minded and has a hands-on approach to museum operations, with a preference to fix things instead of replacing them.  He still likes to spend a little time in the Science Mill Exhibit shop.  

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