Lairy Johnson

Lairy Johnson has spent most of his career in the environmental and sustainability field establishing world class programs and results. He has worked as a geologist, hydrologist, environmental engineer, sustainability engineer, safety manager and is currently retired.

He has led soil and ground water remediation projects throughout Texas and the Southwest. Managed permit compliance programs involving air, water, waste and storm water. In addition, establishing sustainability programs such as landfill free, a nationwide model for watershed stewardship and energy and water reduction programs.

He helped establish the Professional Geoscientist registration for Texas; was a technical advisor for establishing Landfill Free Criteria for the NSF and is a board member for TREAD advocating for Texas Landowners.

Lairy has testified before the Texas House of Representatives Natural Resource Committee on water sustainability practices as a casebook example of how to engage both private landowners and corporations to address the current water issues facing the state of Texas.

Lairy has a BS and MS from Stephen F. Austin University.

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